Tour Partners

Partner Opportunities November 02 2010

Fetch Referral Code

FetchApp is the digital delivery platform that many people build their business around — these individuals and companies are our partners.

By creating a FetchApp account you're automatically enrolled in the partnership program and provided with a unique URL code. You don't need a paying account to sign-up and become a partner. When new users signup for FetchApp using your code they are assigned as your affiliate for the life of their account.

Full affiliate tracking and reporting is available from the FetchApp interface, so you'll always know who your affiliates are, how much commission you've earned, what you're due, and more.

Residual Income November 02 2010

Fetch Referrals

The FetchApp partnership program provides you the opportunity to earn residual income. We'll pay you 10% of monthly dues from every user that creates a paying FetchApp account using your partner code. There is no time limit on how long you can profit from your affiliates — you'll get paid commissions every month for as long as the account exists.

No Maintenance November 02 2010

Fetch Referral Details

As a partner you need only refer new clients to FetchApp and provide us with an email address associated with your PayPal account. This is a no maintenance program and costs nothing to participate in.

Each month any earnings you've made will be automatically deposited into your PayPal account. All affiliate reporting can be viewed through the FetchApp interface. This is the easiest way to generate residual income while supporting the product you love!